Anna Singleton is an early-career researcher (MSc Experimental Psych; BSc Hons I Psych), a PhD candidate and research associate at the University of Sydney with >247K in research prizes and awards, including $52K as CIA. Her research focuses on co-designing (cancer survivors, health professionals) scalable, low-cost digital health strategies (eg. text messages, mobile apps) to support health of breast cancer survivors, with the ultimate goal of lowering risks factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer recurrence. In the last 3 years, Anna Singleton hase recruited >1000 breast cancer survivors to her digital health studies (clinical trial, nation-wide observational study), which patients found useful (91%), easy-to-understand (100%) and motivating for improving health (76%). Anna has also 16 published peer-reviewed manuscripts (3 first-author, 1 last-author), with many in high-ranking journals such as BMJ Heart, BMC Cancer, and Obesity reviews.