
Morning Symposia: Breakfast will be served to session participants from 07:00-07:30, half an hour prior to the start of the session.
Lunch Symposia: Lunch boxes will be served to session participants.

Admission to all industry symposia is included as part of the congress registration.

Session Key:

Pre-Congress Workshop Plenary Session Parallel Session Free Papers Session Industry Symposium


 Thursday, October 8, 2026

  Hall A
(Great Hall 1)
Hall B
(Great Hall 2)
Hall C
(Room M1)
08:30-10:00 Pre-Congress Workshop 1:  Pre-Congress Workshop 2:
Pre-Congress Workshop 3:
10:00-10:20 Coffee break
10:20-11:30 Pre-Congress Workshop 1 cont.:


Pre-Congress Workshop 2 cont.:


Pre-Congress Workshop 3 cont.:


 11:30-12:30 Lunch break
12:30-14:00 Pre-Congress Workshop 4:
Pre-Congress Workshop 5:
Pre-Congress Workshop 6:
14:00-14:20 Coffee break
14:20-15:30 Pre-Congress Workshop 4 cont.:
Pre-Congress Workshop 5 cont.:
Pre-Congress Workshop 6 cont.:
 15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-16:15 Congress Opening    
16:15-17:45 Plenary Session 1:
17:45 Networking Reception


 Friday, October 9, 2026

  Hall A
(Great Hall 1)
Hall B
(Great Hall 2)
Hall C
(Room M1)

(*breakfast will be served to session participants from 07:00-07:30)

Morning Industry Symposium Morning Industry Symposium Morning Industry Symposium
08:30-09:30 Parallel Session 2:

Parallel Session 3:

Industry Symposium
09:30-11:00 Plenary Session 4:

 11:00-11:30 Coffee break,  poster viewing and exhibition visit
11:30-12:30 Parallel Session 5:

Industry Symposium Industry Symposium
 12:30-13:30 Lunch break, poster viewing and exhibition visit
13:30-14:30 Parallel Session 6:

Parallel Session 7:


Parallel Session 8:
Free papers: 
 14:30-15:50 Parallel Session 9:
Parallel Session 10:
Free papers: 
15:50-16:10 Coffee break, poster viewing and exhibition visit
16:10-17:30 Parallel Session 11:

Parallel Session 12:




Saturday, October 10, 2026

  Hall A
(Great Hall 1)
Hall B
(Great Hall 2)
Hall C
(Room M1)

(*breakfast will be served to session participants from 07:00-07:30)

Morning Industry Symposium Morning Industry Symposium Morning Industry Symposium
08:30-10:00 Parallel Session 13: Parallel Session 14:


Parallel Session 15:
Free Papers: 
10:00-11:00 Parallel Session 16:

Industry Symposium

11:00-11:30 Coffee break, poster viewing and exhibition visit
11:30-13:00 Parallel Session 17:

Parallel Session 18:

 13:00-14:00 Lunch break, poster viewing and exhibition visit 13:10-13:55
Industry Lunch Symposium
14:00-15:00 Plenary Session 19:

 15:00-16:15 Plenary Session 20:

 16:15-16:30 Congress closing and Award presentation

*Program is subject to change

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